I crave grammar. I make a study of punctuation. I swoon at spelling bees.
I detest comma splices and abhor the use of single quotes when double are called for. I’ve never encountered a situation...
Jan 21, '19 / by Susannah Noel posted in Strategy
I crave grammar. I make a study of punctuation. I swoon at spelling bees.
I detest comma splices and abhor the use of single quotes when double are called for. I’ve never encountered a situation...
Aug 20, '16 / by Susannah Noel posted in SEO, Strategy
You work hard to develop content, attract leads and convert new clients.
Unfortunately, so does your competition.
That’s why it’s smart to keep track of what they’re doing. With the right approach to...
Aug 11, '16 / by Susannah Noel posted in Content Marketing
Thought leadership content is vital to your overall content strategy. Publishing an article on a controversial or cutting-edge topic in an online publication establishes you as an authority in your...
Jul 23, '16 / by Susannah Noel posted in Social Media
As a business owner looking for clients on social media, you might feel like Marlin, the bereft father of a little lost clownfish in the Disney Pixar film Finding Nemo.
Just like Marlin found Nemo...
Jun 30, '16 / by Susannah Noel posted in Content Marketing, Blogging
Through my years of editing fiction, I’ve always relished the writing techniques that make books fun to read. As a marketing copywriter, though, I’ve wondered how to make my content even half as...
Jun 3, '16 / by Susannah Noel posted in Strategy
As a copyeditor of hundreds of books and dozens of websites, I rely heavily on the editorial style guide. A style guide provides a set of rules for grammar, spelling, punctuation and usage. It’s...
May 3, '16 / by Susannah Noel posted in SEO
It started with Siri. Then came Google Now, with Microsoft’s Cortana joining the mix soon after. It’s called voice search, and it has the potential to completely transform the world of SEO.
Apr 27, '16 / by Susannah Noel posted in Marketing ROI, SEO
Let’s be honest: search engine optimization (SEO) is complicated and tedious, and you don’t always know if it’s actually helping your business. Hours spent optimizing this and backlinking that might...
Apr 26, '16 / by Susannah Noel posted in Strategy
As a marketer, you might be thrilled that your professional service firm is made up of expert consultants. But all the internal expertise in the world won’t matter if you can’t translate their...
Apr 12, '16 / by Susannah Noel posted in HubSpot, Inbound Websites
We all know leads are a good thing. Attract enough leads and give them the answers they’re looking for and you can convert them into a steady stream of delighted customers.
But did you know that your...
Feb 25, '16 / by Susannah Noel posted in Strategy
Building a brand can seem elusive and theoretical for many businesses. This is especially true for professional service firms, who rely less on a visual identity that does, say, an ice cream shop. A...
Feb 23, '16 / by Susannah Noel posted in Strategy
Sometimes marketers put so much emphasis on generating leads and converting customers that we forget about the last phase of the buyer’s journey: retention.
Editor's Note: We recently revamped the way we conduct buyer persona interviews, and we've updated this previously...
Goal setting. It sounds easy enough, but it’s often a challenge for marketers. After all, you want a goal that’s...
When I first started working in marketing, one of my primary tasks was to write blog posts. While this should’ve been...
Clariant Creative is a full-service inbound marketing agency based in the western suburbs of Chicago, IL.
We help businesses create clarity in their marketing, so they can help their clients move forward with confidence.
Clariant Creative Agency, LLC
[fa icon="phone"] 630-330-9825
[fa icon="envelope"] info@clariantcreative.com
[fa icon="map-marker"] 1468 Ambleside Circle, Naperville IL 60540